Hello, world! 🌎
Now that we have the cliché greeting out of the way, let me tell you about who I am, and what this blog is going to be about.
For a more in-depth breakdown, see my LinkedIn.
But TL;DR:
- 2016 - 2020 : Computer Science MEng @ University of Bristol
- 2020 - 2022 : Amazon UK - Alexa Shopping
- 2022 - Present : Amazon Canada - Alexa Presentation Language
Since coming to Canada I’ve spent my summers travelling around in a Travel Trailer (slightly alien concept to a European). My fiancé and I have just returned from a 6 month trip from Vancouver Island (where we live) to Newfoundland.
What can you expect?
This blog will likely become a collection of eclectic technology-related topics. Some topics I already have plans for include:
- Software Engineering Unplugged (working off grid, see image above)
- Hobbyist home automation (Home Assistant, ESPHome)
- Amateur homelab tinkering
- iOS (SwiftUI) development
- MacOS “power user” configuration guide
- Managing your processes and improving your productivity as a Software Engineer
How often can you expect new ramblings?
Weekly! Writing this here as a forcing function. I’m under no illusion that producing content weekly alongside full time employment will initially be a challenge…
Where else can I find you?
Expect more regular (and hopefully equally interesting) musings on X.